Medical Concerns *
Sycamore Elementary does not have a school nurse on site and we do not have facilities to care for sick children. If your child is ill, please keep him/her home from school. We do have wonderful district nurses that we will contact in an emergency.
Please be sure to keep your student's emergency contact numbers current (your work, your cell, emergency contacts, etc.) in the Aeries information system. ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHOM YOU HAVE NAMED IN AERIES WILL BE ALLOWED TO TAKE YOUR CHILD FROM SCHOOL IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY!
Below are some school requirements and guidelines that we hope you will find helpful.
Medication at School
In order for the office to administer medication (prescription OR over-the-counter), we must have the form provided below signed by the parent and physician with specific instructions.
Authorization for Any Medication Taken During School Hours
Students returning to school with casts, crutches, wheelchair, stitches, elastic bandages or slings as a result of an accident or injury must provide a physician’s verification of permission to return to school and may not participate in physical education, noontime activities, recess or be on the playground before or after school until a written release by a physician is received.
Re-Admission After Accident/Injury
If you discover your child has a lice infestation, please contact the school office immediately. All information is confidential, however, it is imperative that we inform you of the proper procedures for treatment and for readmission to school. In recent years lice has become very resistant to customary treatments. A child must be “nit free” to return to school. The shampoos will not kill all the nits and the combs will not remove all of them. Hair must be sectioned off and the nits pulled out with the fingernails. If this is not done, reinfestation will occur.
With communication and cooperation we can, hopefully, keep the problem to a minimum. Thank you for your help.
Communicable Diseases: Return to School
Please follow these guidelines for when your child may return to school after contracting a communicable disease:
Chicken Pox: 5 days from onset of rash; or after all lesions are dry.
Student's must be checked-in through the office.
Scarlet Fever: 48 hours from the start of effective antibiotic treatment.
Impetigo: After treatment by a physician when all areas are treated and covered or dry.
Ringworm: When affected areas are treated and covered.
Head Lice: After treatment and when hair is free of nits (eggs).
Scabies: After adequate treatment by a physician.
Strep Throat: Twenty-four hours after first dose of prescribed medicine.
Pink Eye: Under treatment for 24 hours OR there is no visible redness/drainage in eyes OR with a physician's note.
Fifth Disease: No exclusion after rash appears.