Title IX
Supplemental Documents
Complaint Procedures
Williams Complaints
- Textbook concerns
- Facilities concerns
- Teacher credentialing concerns
Williams Complaints
Parents/Guardians, Students, and Teachers:
Pursuant to Education Code 35186, you are hereby notified that:
- There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each student, including an English learner, must have a textbook or instructional material, or both, to use in class and to take home.
- School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair.
- There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners, if present.
Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold.
Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has
not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester.
If you choose to file a complaint alleging that any of the above conditions is not being met, your complaint will be addressed through the district’s William uniform complaint procedures as required by law. A complaint form may be obtained at the school office or district office, or downloaded from the school or district website. You may also download a copy of the California Department of Education (CDE) complaint form from CDE’s website when available. However, a complaint need not be filed using either the district’s complaint form or the complaint form from the CDE.
Williams Complaint Form English |
Formulario de Quejas Williams Español |
Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials English |
Solicitud de Reconsideración del Material Didáctico Existente Español |
Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Failing to comply with State or Federal laws
Complaint Procedures
Uniform Complaint Procedures Annual Notice-ENGLISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Annual Notice SPANISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Reporting Form-ENGLISH.pdf (PDF)
Uniform Complaint Procedures Reporting Form SPANISH (PDF)
Title IX
- Severe or ongoing sexual harassment or discrimination based on sex/gender
Title IX
Title IX
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. All students have the rights to equal learning opportunities in their schools and must be treated the same in all District educational activities and programs. Students who feel that their rights are being violated have the right to take action and should not be afraid to speak to a school administrator, Title IX Officer, psychologist, counselor or trusted adult at school.
California Education Code Section 221.9(e) requires public schools that offer competitive athletics to post participation numbers at the end of each school year. “Competitive athletics” is defined as sports where the activity has coaches, a governing organization, and practices and competes during a defined season, and has competition as its primary goal. Simi Valley Unified School District elementary, middle schools, Apollo Continuation, Monte Vista Independent, and Santa Susana High Schools do not offer competitive athletics as defined by EC 221.9(e). District secondary schools that offer competitive athletics, Royal and Simi Valley High School, post year-end athletic participation numbers on their respective athletic webpages.
Complaint Process - Students or parents/guardians should report a Title IX complaint to the school administrator who is the Title IX Officer within 6 months from the date the alleged incident occurred or first obtained knowledge of the alleged incident. Complainants have a right to a timely and informal resolution at the school site. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the school-site decision, the complainant may file a written Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) Complaint directly with the district office. This will begin the investigation process which must be completed within 60 days. An appeal of the district’s findings may be made within 15 days of receiving the decision, to the California Department of Education, Education Equity UCP Appeals Office at (916) 319-8239 or email eeucpappeals@cde.ca.gov
Additional information can be obtained from the California Department of Education Office of Equal Opportunity at (916) 445-9174 or from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights at 1-800-421-3481
SVUSD Title IX Officers 2023-24 |
Site |
Name/Title |
Telephone # |
D.O. - UCP & Title IX Decision Maker |
Dr. Jerry Block, Assistant Superintendent
805-306-4500 |
D.O. - Title IX Coordinator |
Mr. Matthew Guzzo, Director of Secondary Education |
805-306-4500 |
D.O. - Title IX Coordinator |
Mrs. Erin Taggart, Director of Elementary Education |
805-306-4500 |
Elementary Site |
Name/Title |
Telephone # |
Arroyo |
Aldo Calcagno, Principal |
aldo.calcagno@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4420 |
Atherwood |
Jennifer Kaitz, Principal |
jennifer.kaitz@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6730 |
Berylwood |
Debora Palmer, Principal |
debora.palmer@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6705 |
Big Springs |
Sean Platt, Principal |
sean.platt@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6710 |
Crestview |
Nora Kuntz, Principal |
nora.kuntz@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6715 |
Garden Grove |
Nicole Perryman, Principal |
nicole.perryman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6700 |
Hollow Hills |
Heather Godfrey, Principal |
heather.godfrey@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6720 |
Justin Early Learners Academy |
Sean Goldman, Asst. Superintendent Student Support |
sean.goldman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4500 |
Katherine |
Shay Lundstrom, Principal |
shay.lundstrom@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6780 |
Knolls |
Kendra Speights, Principal |
kendra.speights@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6735 |
Madera |
Tracie Bowden, Principal |
tracie.bowden@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6740 |
Mountain View |
Jennifer Goldman, Principal |
jennifer.goldman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6775 |
Park View |
Erin Mahoney, Principal |
erin.mahoney@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6755 |
Santa Susana El |
Stacy Walker, Principal |
stacy.walker@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6765 |
Sycamore |
Laura Miner, Principal |
laura.miner@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6745 |
Township |
Lori Neiman, Principal |
lori.neiman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6770 |
Vista |
Brandi Young, Principal |
brandi.young@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6750 |
White Oak |
Jennifer Culbertson Principal |
jennifer.culbertson@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6617 |
Wood Ranch |
Jennifer Conmay, Principal |
jennifer.conmay@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6370 |
Secondary Site |
Name/Title |
Telephone # |
Hillside Middle |
Jason Quartararo, Principal |
jason.quartararo@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6810 |
Sinaloa Middle |
Shawn Rumble, Principal |
shawn.rumble@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6830 |
Valley View Middle |
Shanda Weaver, Principal |
shanda.weaver@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6820 |
Royal High |
Michael Hall, Principal |
michael.hall@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4875 |
Santa Susana High |
Layton Spracklen, Assistant Principal |
layton.spracklen@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6800 |
Simi Valley High |
JC Baxter, Principal |
johnc.baxter@simivalleyusd.org |
805-577-1400 |
Apollo Continuation |
Dean May, Principal |
dean.may@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6150 |
Monte Vista Independent School |
Dr. Stephen Pietrolungo, Principal |
stephen.pietrolungo@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6326 |
Simi Institute for Careers & Education |
Mel Vines, AP |
melvin.vines@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6200 |
Título IX
La Junta Directiva de Educación está comprometida en proporcionar oportunidades iguales a todos los individuos en los programas y actividades del Distrito. Los programas, actividades y entrenamientos del Distrito será libre de discriminación ilegal, incluyendo la discriminación en contra de un individuo o un grupo en base a su raza, color, procedencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, estado de inmigración, identificación de grupo étnico, etnicidad, edad, religión, estado civil, parental, embarazo, discapacidad física o mental, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, o información genética; o la percepción de una o más dichas características; o asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de estas características actuales o percibidas. Todos los estudiantes tienen derecho a oportunidades de aprendizaje iguales en sus escuelas y deben ser tratados en todos los programas y actividades educativas del Distrito. Los estudiantes que sientan que sus derechos fueron violados tienen el derecho de tomar acción y no deben temer hablar con un administrador de la escuela, oficial de Título IX, psicólogo, consejero estudiantil o adulto de confianza en la escuela.
La sección 221.9(e) del Código de Educación de California obliga a las escuelas públicas que ofrecen deportes competitivos que publiquen las cifras de participación al final de cada ciclo escolar. “Deportes competitivos” se define como los deportes en la cual la actividad cuenta con entrenadores, organización regidora, y prácticas y competencia durante una temporada definida, y que su objetivo primordial es la competencia. Las escuelas primarias, secundarias, Apollo, Monte Vista y la preparatoria Santa Susana del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Simi Valley, no ofrecen deportes competitivos como se definen en EC221.9(e). Las escuelas de educación secundaria superior que ofrecen deportes competitivos, Royal y Simi Valley High Schools, publican las cifras de participación al final del año en sus páginas web de atletismo respectivamente.
Proceso de Quejas Los estudiantes o padres/tutores deben reportar una queja de Título IX al administrador de la escuela que funja como el oficial de Título IX, dentro de los 6 meses a partir de que sucedió el presunto incidente o en cuanto el presunto incidente sea de su conocimiento. Los querellantes tienen derecho a una resolución oportuna e informal en el plantel escolar. Si el querellante no está satisfecho con la decisión de la escuela, el querellante puede presentar una queja uniforme de procedimiento de quejas (UCP) en las oficinas del distrito directamente. Esto iniciará un proceso de investigación que deberá completarse dentro de los siguientes 60 días. Se puede apelar al Departamento de Educación de California, la decisión del Distrito dentro de los siguientes 15 días después de recibir la decisión, a la Oficina de de Apelaciones UCP para la Equidad Educativa al (916) 319-8239 o por correo electrónico eeucpappeals@cde.ca.gov
Se puede encontrar información adicional en la Oficina de Oportunidad Equitativa del Departamento de Educación de California al (916) 445-9174 de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles del Departamento de los EE. UU. Al 1-800-421-3481
Funcionarios de SVUSD del Título IX 2023-24 |
Ubicación |
Nombre/Título |
Correo electrónico |
Teléfono |
D.O. Toma de decisiones de UCP y Título IX |
Dr. Jerry Block Superintendente Adjunto |
jerry.blcok@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4500 |
D.O. Coordinador de Título IX |
Sr. Matthew Guzzo, Director de Educación Secundaria |
matthew.guzzo@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4500 |
D.O. Coordinador de Título IX |
Sra. Erin Taggart, Directora de Educación Primaria |
erin.taggart@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4500 |
Ubicación de Primarias |
Nombre/Título |
Correo electrónico |
Teléfono |
Arroyo |
Aldo Calcagno, Director |
aldo.calcagno@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4420 |
Atherwood |
Jennifer Kaitz, Directora |
jennifer.kaitz@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6730 |
Berylwood |
Debora Palmer, Directora |
debora.palmer@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6705 |
Big Springs |
Sean Platt, Director |
sean.platt@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6710 |
Crestview |
Nora Kuntz, Directora |
nora.kuntz@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6715 |
Garden Grove |
Nicole Perryman, Directora |
nicole.perryman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6700 |
Hollow Hills |
Heather Godfrey, Directora |
heather.godfrey@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6720 |
Justin Early Learners Academy |
Sean Goldman, Superintendente Adjunto de Servicios de Apoyo al Estudiante |
sean.goldman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4500 |
Katherine |
Shay Lundstrom, Directora |
shay.lundstrom@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6780 |
Knolls |
Kendra Speights, Directora |
kendra.speights@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6735 |
Madera |
Tracie Bowden, Directora |
tracie.bowden@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6740 |
Mountain View |
Jennifer Goldman, Directora |
jennifer.goldman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6775 |
Park View |
Erin Mahoney, Directora |
erin.mahoney@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6755 |
Santa Susana El |
Stacy Walker, Directora |
stacy.walker@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6765 |
Sycamore |
Laura Miner, Directora |
laura.miner@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6745 |
Township |
Lori Neiman, Directora |
lori.neiman@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6770 |
Vista |
Brandi Young, Directora |
brandi.young@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6750 |
White Oak |
Jennifer Culbertson, Directora |
jennifer.culbertson@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6617 |
Wood Ranch |
Jennifer Conmay, Directora |
jennifer.conmay@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6370 |
Ubicación de Educación Secundaria |
Nombre/Título |
Correo electrónico |
Teléfono |
Hillside Middle |
Jason Quartararo, Director |
jason.quartararo@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6810 |
Sinaloa Middle |
Shawn Rumble, Director |
shawn.rumble@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6830 |
Valley View Middle |
Shanda Weaaver, Directora |
shanda.weaver@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6820 |
Royal High |
Michael Hall, Director |
michael.hall@simivalleyusd.org |
805-306-4875 |
Santa Susana High |
Layton Spracklen, Subdirector |
layton.spracklen@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6800 |
Simi Valley High |
JC Baxter, Director |
johnc.baxter@simivalleyusd.org |
805-577-1400 |
Apollo Continuation |
Dean May, Director |
dean.may@simivalleyusd.org |
805-520-6150 |
Monte Vista Independent School |
Dr. Stephen Pietrolungo, Director |
stephen.pietrolungo@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6326 |
Simi Institute for Careers & Education |
Mel Vines, Subdirector |
melvin.vines@simivalleyusd.org |
805-579-6200 |